Being successful in your law practice is not just about booking clients, being the best attorney, or offering the best legal service. To be truly successful in your practice, you must overcome the obstacles that are holding you back. Many of these obstacles are internal, like self-doubt. The key to overcoming them is to face them head-on. Discover how changing your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes can radically change your results.
• The internet is not a good source of new business for me.
• My clients do not use social media.
• If I stop doing workshops, my practice will die.
• I am already charging as much as my market will support.
• I just need to be more efficient.
• I can’t afford to spend more money on _________________ (fill in the blank with your own limiting belief: marketing, staff, new office space, training, whatever is holding you back).
• I don’t have time to __________________ (fill in the blank with your own limiting belief: learn how to use a CRM, attend a marketing training, pay attention to my staff, meet with new referral sources, be “here” right now, etc.)
The Summit is a unique experience event for estate planning and elder law attorneys. Here, you will be challenged to dream bigger, to do something remarkable with your law practice. And, you'll gain the insights and skills to make those dreams reality.
On our first day together, you will have the opportunity to work with horses in a unique experiential learning session designed to break down barriers in the way you think about yourself, your law firm, your staff and your potential. We're going to trample limiting beliefs and expand your vision of what's possible!
Two full days of sessions that will prepare you to Take the Summit with a Break-Out law practice! From digital marketing, brand storytelling, client intake automation, and CRM marketing to developing your strategic sales strategy and implementing a client maintenance program -- you will see how Break-Out Law Firms use the latest tools and techniques to fulfill their mission and achieve the extraordinary.
Enjoy fun and fellowship at the beautiful Legacy Ranch, 40 acres of paradise along Colorado's Front Range. Starting with a brief tour of the Ranch, we'll retire to the courtyard for wine and hors d'oeuvrs as we watch the sun set over Pike's Peak. Dinner will be served inside on the main floor of the Ranch house.
Join your colleagues for breakfast and lunch inside or on the terrace with some of the best mountain views in Colorado. Breakfast and lunch is included with your registration!
Download the agenda HERE.
Shuttle to Fawnwood Ranch in the Black Forest
Are you ready to trample your limiting beliefs? It starts right now, with Horse Work.
Why horses? If one of your limiting beliefs is that horses can’t help you become a more successful attorney, then let’s trample that one first! (Don’t worry, there’s no riding involved. Your feet will remain firmly on the ground.)
Horses are very much like humans in that they are social animals. They have distinct personalities, attitudes and moods. An approach that seems to work with one horse does not necessarily work with another. Accomplishing a task with a horse builds confidence and provides wonderful metaphors to help identify and overcome attitudes and beliefs that may be holding you back.
We will travel to Fawnwood Ranch in the beautiful Black Forest, where we’ll meet our equine partners, horses Cooper, Rocky and Cash. After brief introductions, the group will be divided into teams and given instructions to complete an activity with your equine partner. That’s the experiential part!
Here comes the learning – with your facilitators, Jennifer Goddard and Dana Alley, we will debrief the event, giving you time to process, discuss and learn from your experience. You will quickly see how to relate your insights back to your practice, your habits and your results. You will be challenged to set personal goals, take specific actions and start your journey afresh with renewed courage.
Fawnwood Ranch is set on 40 lush acres on the southeast edge of the Black Forest with rolling green fields and patches of mature ponderosa pines. You will enjoy beautiful, expansive views of the Eastern Plains and Southern Ranges. You might even catch a glimpse of the pronghorn that roam the property!
*Interaction with the horses is encouraged, but entirely optional. If you’re just not ready to get into the arena with a horse, that’s fine. You can learn a lot from observing the activities and participating in the discussion and debrief afterward.
After our Horse Work, we’ll shuttle on over to Legacy Ranch on the Front Range for an evening of fun and fellowship. Starting with a brief tour of the Ranch, we’ll retire to the courtyard (weather permitting) for wine and hors d’oeuvres as we watch the sun set over Pike’s Peak. Dinner will be served in the beautiful sun room on the main floor of the ranch house.
The shuttle will take you back to Cheyenne Mountain by 8:30 p.m., so you can be well-rested for tomorrow’s break-through sessions!
You’ve made it this far. What comes next? Are you content with your practice now, ready to set the cruise-control? Then you can skip this session.
This is for those who have bigger dreams: those who see tomorrow as a gateway to their next great adventure. Here, in the shadow of Cheyenne Mountain, is a great place to start your Summit Push. With Pike’s Peak as your inspiration, now is the time to commit to more.
A summit push is the final, all-out effort to reach the top. But pushing toward a big goal can be tiring and uncertain, whether you’re striving toward a mountain top, a personal achievement, or business success. Kyle, Jennifer and the IMS team share some confidence-building techniques used by veteran climbers and show the awesome power of impossible dreams.
Trampling these limiting beliefs:
You don’t need to work harder at your marketing. But you may need to work smarter. Done right, digital marketing works. It’s the single most powerful marketing innovation since the printing press. If it’s not working for you, you are most likely the victim of one (or several) common mistakes. During this session, we’ll show best practices in digital marketing, how and why digital is different, and how dialing-in your digital efforts can yield outstanding results.
These limiting beliefs may be undermining your digital marketing:
People don’t hire lawyers.
People hire people who are lawyers.
One of the most compelling changes you can make in your marketing is to drop your pretenses, your legal jargon and your lawyer’s mask to reveal your authentic self. That’s the first step to developing your brand story – and telling it in a way that captivates people and builds trust. Join us for this powerful session that will touch your heart and open doors you never even saw before.
Learn how to let go of these limiting beliefs:
Your clients are the lifeblood of your firm; you need to reach them, engage them, and retain them—without wasting precious time or money. In this session, you’ll get up to speed on the latest, most effective CRM tools and techniques for your firm. Building relationships with current and future clients is the critical point of your practice. CRM brings sales, marketing, and operations together to work toward that common goal, and gives you the tools and techniques that make your efforts more effective. An integrated CRM solution helps optimize leads and conduct effective email marketing, streamlines processes and introduces automation where possible, and employs analytics so you know what’s working … and what’s not.
During this session, we’ll blow through common limiting beliefs like:
Client intake is often an overlooked part of practicing law. But in the digital age, good client intake is key to client engagement as well as practice efficiency. Sadly, most intake processes are broken, and automating a broken process just means you can fail faster than ever! In this session, Kyle and Jennifer will show you a process that works and define some of the key characteristics of an ideal client intake process that improves efficiency, boosts engagement, and provides a great client experience.
Prepare to let go of any of these limiting beliefs about automated client intake:
Adding elder law to an existing estate planning practice can reap huge rewards, but how do you navigate the nuanced marketing differences between estate planning and elder law? For most of the public, elder law is a confusing, unfamiliar term that may be doing a disservice to your brand.
During this session, we’ll show how subtle, but important shifts can make your marketing more effective and your bottom line more robust!
Some of the limiting beliefs we challenge here:
Online lawyer reviews are essential to your practice ... but how do you get clients to submit them? And how can you protect yourself from negative reviews?
We recently partnered with GetFiveStars to give our clients one of the industry’s most powerful online review management systems. Working together, we have integrated the GetFiveStars system with our Essential Solution online marketing and E2 marketing CRM, providing a seamless, automated review management experience.
Don Campbell, president and co-founder of GetFiveStars, joins us to show the importance of online lawyer reviews and how to manage the process.
Don will trample some of these limiting beliefs that keep lawyers from taking full advantage of online reviews:
Beyond marketing, what is the single most important change you could make in your law practice to drive revenue and boost fees?
Develop a strategic sales process.
How important is sales process? The RAIN Group Center for Sales Research recently undertook a major study to determine how sales process affected sales performance. Not surprisingly, the more developed and adaptive the sales process, the higher proposal win rates, greater likelihood to grow revenue, greater likelihood to hit the organization’s sales targets, and greater likelihood to sell with strong prices.
With more than 35 years of combined sales experience, Kyle and James are going to show you how to develop your own sales process to build trust, set up a mutually beneficial arrangement between you and your prospect, qualify prospects as ideal clients and demonstrate unique value.
The goal is to create a sales process that’s truly in the best interest of both parties. It’s about getting to the truth from the very first meeting, before wasting unnecessary time, energy and resources on a process that will eventually go nowhere. The beauty is that when done correctly, both you and your prospect understand the personal impact of dealing with – or not dealing with – the needs at hand. And getting to this point is critical to ensure that both parties are willing to take the next steps.
When you do this right, Kyle says, “the rest of the selling cycle is a hot knife through butter.”
To get the most from this session, check these limiting beliefs at the door:
Visit with Vincent, Frank and Kyle as they discuss their practice history, recent growth and how marketing has played into their success.
Vinnie Bonazzoli created a unique client maintenance program out of his passion to take care of families when it really matters. He recalls the first time one of his client families came back to him after a death, only to learn their plan was outdated.
“It was a real empty feeling,” he says. “I remember talking to some of the attorneys about it and they said, ‘Well, it’s their problem, not yours. They need to come in.’ And that just didn’t sit right for me.”
So when he started his own firm, he was determined to find a way to “actually take care of families in the estate planning context; not the way a lawyer wants them to be taken care of, but the way a client needs to be – the way the family needs to be taken care of.”
Vinnie’s passion drove him to create this unique program after struggling for a decade, trying to get families to come back to review and update their plans.
“In January 2001, after hearing other attorneys talk about it, we decided to have a maintenance program where, instead of just hiring the attorney to draft documents, you would actually hire the attorney to create a plan for a family and actually maintain it afterwards. No hourly billing, a flat price, so you can have an actual relationship with the family.”
He is now bringing this program to other firms through his Client Care Academy. Hear his powerful story and learn more about finding your own passion and how to implement a similar client care program in your own firm.
Vinnie’s story may challenge some of your limiting beliefs:
What if you dreamed bigger? What if you trampled your limiting beliefs? What if you had the courage to do something remarkable?
Kyle, Jennifer, James and Michael facilitate our final session, focusing on action items and commitments for you and your team.
Our final challenge is to abandon these limiting beliefs:
President, Integrity Marketing Solutions
President, Kyle E. Krull, P.A.
Vice President & CEO
Integrity Marketing Solutions
Vice President of Sales & Practice Development
Integrity Marketing Solutions
Art Director
Integrity Marketing Solutions
Principal and Sole Owner
Family Estate Planning Law Group
CEO & Co-Founder
Future Client: $1795
Active IMS Client: $1495
Additional Attendees: $795/person
Hotel Reserveration and Accomodations can
be made through Cheyenne Mountain Resort.
Please call 719-538-4000 and mention the
Summit Conference for a discounted rate.
Discounted blocked rooms are limited.